What Price Blogging?

It is my opinion that I am not the best candidate for having a blog.

By its nature, a blog indicate, or seems to say, that one feels they have something of value they wish to say or share on a somewhat regular basis.

I do not enjoy gossip trading, or political mud wrestling. Much of my personal life is just that … Personal.

I do not always want to critique someone else’s work as I am trying to contemplate the value, or lack thereof, of my own. I don’t mind being helpful, but if I feel I cannot offer up any positive advice — silence is golden.

Often I come across items that are interesting or informative, but I do not want to take the time to link them to 4 or 5 social networking sites.

See, with what feels like limited day-to-day time — time I want to divide between family, work, and self revelation — blog time seems to slip away.

So I will ask your indulgence if from … Time to time, I slip away to have moments, thoughts, revelations and adventures that I feel might be of interest to anyone who might wander through here.

Okay then … Off to the Mind mines.


About Alex Simmons Says

Alex Simmons is an award-winning freelance writer, comic book creator, playwright, teaching artist, and educational consultant. He’s written for Disney Books, Penguin Press, Simon and Schuster, Marvel, DC, and Archie Comics. Simmons is the creator of the acclaimed adventure comic book series, Blackjack. As a teaching artist, Simmons has created and taught creative arts workshops for students and educators in the US, Europe, West Indies, and Africa. Simmons has served on panels and delivered lectures on children’s entertainment mediums, as well as empowering young people through the arts. Simmons founded the annual family event, Kids Comic Con, as well as three comic arts exhibits, which have traveled abroad. He is currently developing a comics and creative arts program for children all over the world. During the past 35 years, Simmons has participated as a member of arts and education boards for several New York State nonprofit organizations, as well as one in Nigeria. As a teaching artist Simmons has worked with youth through the Bronx Community College, the Christopher Barron Live Life Foundation, Apollo Theater In-School Arts Program, Henkel McCoy, Upward Bound, New York Council on the Arts, Children’s Art Carnival, Wings Academy, and NYU Creative Arts Team, to name a few. He has been a panelist at many literacy and arts events, and he has been a guest speaker at numerous colleges and educational institutions here and abroad.
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1 Response to What Price Blogging?

  1. I run in a similar vein. I don’t always feel that I have anything revelant to say–until I start writing. But I don’t want to write about my private life, nor the lives of others. It can limit the options sometimes. But just remember that what you might find unimportant may have a profound effect on one of your readers.

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